Individual tracking of workers is essential in many industry sectors where workers go from site to site. The purpose of the OnSite Workplace Screening Tool is to aid employers with daily workplace screening. OnSite benefits organizations* providing a total attendance and screening audit by location(s). *Organizations are required to be members of workXid workforce Identity services to utilize OnSite.Modes and Features:Attendance and Workplace Screening- This mode supports the automated capture of individuals entering and departing an organization’s locations and entrances with the simple presentation of an ID card*;- Forgotten ID card support with administrative override;- Presentation of customized entrance screening questionnaire;- Ability to lock the ID card in the event of an individual not passing the entrance screening;- Real-time presentation of screening logs and reporting;- An organization can customize their entrance questionnaire to meet specific needs;- Organizations can see real-time where and when cardholders enter/exit specific work locations and entrances.- Provides the ability to follow up on workers that may still be on site after hours.workXid Member Pre-RegistrationThe OnSite pre-registration mode allows an organization to pre-register quickly and on-board individuals through the use of a tablet. New member profiles can be submitted promptly to the workXid system for authentication and ID card issuance.This mode will capture the requisite profile information that includes:- the individual’s photo, Name, E-mail, and cellphone;- the issuing Organizations Industry;- the National Occupation Code (NOC) and classification based on job title;- the individual’s assigned job title; - the individuals associated union if applicable, and company name if applicable.